1. Parents are expected to co-operate with the college authorities and the teachers by enforcing regularity and discipline, supervising the lessons, taking active part in the college activities and by sending their ward in proper uniform.
2. Parents must send the children to school at least 10 min. early to avoid late coming and take them away within 10 min. after the school gets over. The school will not be responsible for them beyond this time.
3. The School is not responsible for what happens in the auto rickshaw, tempos and vans before and after the school hours.
4. Parents are requested not to go up to the class-rooms to drop or pick up heir children.
5. Parents are requested not to give two wheelers or four wheelers to their children, to come and go to school. The school will not be responsible for the vehicles (2 wheelers/cycles) parked outside the school campus.
6. Occasional remarks from the teachers and he Principal are made in the college diary for the information of the parents. In such cases they should never fail to sign the diary to show their acknowledgment.
7. s Parents are expected to sign the note books when they are sent for it. Failure to do so may put their children to great inconvenience. They should particularly check their leave and absence records.
8. When communicating with the Principal, parents/guardians are requested to mention in their letter, the name of the student, class and section.
9. Parents are strictly forbidden to interview their children and the teacher in the class or any staff member in the staff room without the permission of the Principal.
10. Tipping the servants either during or after the college hours must be avoided at all costs.
11. Parents must intimate the college whenever their residential address or telephone numbers are changed in order to communicate to them in urgent matters. This is in the interest of their children.
12. They should insist on their children to devote enough time to learn their lessons before they come to college. On holidays some time should be devoted to study at home.
13. If parents or guardians find that their ward is not picking up right habits or is not progressing satisfactorily in his/her studies, they should make an appointment with the Principal to discuss the matter.
14. Parents are requested not to send for or call away their children during class hours except in case of unforeseen emergency and that too with the Principal’s permission.
15. Parents should understand that they cannot dictate to the Principal but that the Principal has the right to say on what conditions he will admit or retain pupils in the institution.
16. Principal must be informed of the absence of the students at the earliest.
17. Should there be any infectious disease in your home please report the fact to the Principal at once and do not send your child to the class till the child is fully cured. Doctor’s certificate to attend the class must be brought the day the child is fit to join the college.
18. If a student is likely to be absent due to illness for a long period, the Principal must be informed immediately through an application with the name, class and section of their ward and along with a medical certificate.
19. Parents/Guardians are requested not to give money to their children unless they receive a written notice from the Principal.
20. Parents/Guardians are requested to send their wards to college in full uniform, clean and tidy and in time.
21. Tuitions are strongly discouraged. Parents who have no time to give personal attention to their children should not admit or retain their children in this college.
22. In spite of all help given, if a child fails to show any progress, the same may be discussed with the Principal, Class/Subject Teacher and the Principal may permit extra coaching by the member of the staff.
23. To ensure integrity and dedication of the members of the staff, the following are the guidelines to the staff/parents/guardians with regard to private tuitions.
24. Criticism of the teaches or of the school in the presence of children should be avoided because it causes them to lose respect to those teachers and subsequent failure to learn may be brought to the notice of the Pricipal.
25. Parents are exhorted not to listen to unwarranted gossips and spread the same as it causes untold damage to the institution.
26. Parents should always keep in mind that the college, its teachers and the parents are linked together in a continuous process for the education of the child. Even in difficult situations, calm and gentleness should be displayed so that the atmosphere is cordial. If the relation with the college is not cordial, it is advisable for parents to shift their children to other institution of their choice.
1. Use of drugs/alcohol/smoking: In the campus or outside including in the house or at picnics or excursion or a any time is not becoming to the students of the school. Any One found indulging in these activities will be dealt with severely and may be expelled from the school.
2. Parents are requested not to send their children to the school with two wheelers or four wheelers. If any mishappening happens on the road school will not be responsible.
3. Students should not come to the school with mobiles or any other electronic gadgets without the permission of the Principal. If any child is found with the above mentioned gadgets strict action would be taken.
4. Respect for elders and teachers is an essential ingredient of our noble culture. Any one showing any disrespect to the elders/teachers, even if one is right, will not be tolerated. Grievances, if any, should be presented and resolved in a dignifies and respectful manner. Which is a mark of good upbringing.
5. Boy/girl, relationship: Being a co-educational institution where both boys and girls study together and participate in all co-curricular activities, all students must deal with each other in a healthy and morally sound atmosphere of mutual respect and good relationship. Any breach in this regard and any unhealthy or improper behavior in this regard will be viewed very seriously and may lead to expulsion from the school. Parents must look after their children very diligently by checking the company they keep and by checking on the time they leave the house for school and return from the school to the house.
6. Disputes among studens: Disputes originating from home should not be carried to the school. Parents concerned must resolve them at home itself. Disputes originating from the school not be carries outside the school campus and should be brought to the notice of the class teacher/head mistress/vice principal or principal to be resolved in the campus. Any One who extends these disputes outside especially by involving outside elements/friends/relatives and brings about involvement in fights will be dealt with very strictly.
7. Students should not have any connection with the fellow students, staff members and the school management by writing, posting or commenting negatively through te social media, SMS, Whats App, Facebook, Internet or any other electronic media etc. Strict disciplinary action to the extent of expulsion from the school can we taken against those students who misuse the social media and defame the members of the staff as well as the school.